Useful information and weblinks
At South Wingfield we use the Derbyshire PSHE Matters Scheme to support our teaching of PSHE. They have produced some leaflets, linked to the 12 modules of learning for families to use, which help to provide fun and interesting activities and ways to learn more about topics such as mental health, dealing with change and forming positive relationships.
Talking with the your child about PSHE and RSE including any awkward questions
- Age-appropriate information, clear and accurate language, with many short videos that help explore various topics around puberty, body changes, periods, etc
Outspoken Education Online resources including a range of free home-schooling lessons for different age ranges, to support parents to talk openly about bodies, body image and relationships. Subscribe to a free newsletter.
- Parents, carers and teachers can sign up to Brook Learn for free online modules on a range of RSE topics
Books for children with learning disabilities Books on growing up for parents to share with children with learning disabilities.
Useful weblinks
Consultation with parents
A Consultation by questionnonaire on PSHE and RSE was opened in December 2020 and closed on March 2021. It was sent out via email to all parents with a link to Google forms. (Paper copies were also available on request). The consultation was carried out this way because of Covid restrictions in force in School at the time. The link included a questionnaire for pupils to complete, the results and a brief summary are below.
*NB: The forms take a minute or two to upload